14.06.2016 by Anete Ezera
Every year, KPCB publishes an annual Internet Trends report, covering today’s Internet growth and related technologies. The fascinating datasets, presented by leading American venture capitalist Mary Meeker, are available in a 200+ page slide deck.
The 2016 edition of Mary Meeker’s annual report features an in-depth look at global Internet usage, Internet advertising, online-first brands, video and image sharing, and data privacy.
If you don’t have time to look through the entire presentation, we’ve selected 10 of the most interesting charts from this year’s report:
1) The growth of global Internet users is flat (with the exception of India).
2) Global smartphone user growth is slowing, with global smartphone units slowing dramatically.
3) Internet advertising growth is accelerating, with Google and Facebook taking the lead.
4) The Internet economy is fueled by advertising.
5) Millennials are making a big impact and evolving the marketplace.
6) Visual usage continues to rise (video + images), with Facebook on top.
7) User-shared video views on Facebook and Snapchat are growing fast.
8) Image growth remains strong.
9) Messaging continues to grow rapidly.
10) Consumer data privacy concerns are rising quickly.
You can view previous Internet Trends reports from the KPCB website. Here at Infogram, we encourage you to explore the datasets presented in this year’s report and make a few charts of your own.
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