6 Gorgeous Report Examples from PEI, Made with Infogram

12.09.2018 by Anete Ezera

Reports are key to operating a successful business, so why do people dread making and reading them? Because they are often dry – full of dull charts and copious amounts of text. PEI Media Group is working on changing that, and you can get inspired by gorgeous report examples from them.

PEI knows the reports they put out need to be highly engaging, interactive, branded, and simple yet informative. That’s why they use Infogram. Scroll down to see six report examples crafted by PEI.

Clever Color

The cover of this report is instantly delicious due to its strong imagery and pops of color. The lanterns are subtly incorporated throughout the rest of the report, giving it a cohesive look and feel. The report ends on a high note, using the same color and formatting as the cover for a memorable effect.

Visual Storytelling

The anatomical illustration on the cover of this report shows what appears to be a building. Basic, right? Wrong! Instead, this report breaks down each level of the illustration, walking the reader through important data and future trends. They even incorporate links for more information on each page, giving the curious viewer an interactive element. This is a fantastic example of the power of visual storytelling.

Effortlessly Educational

This report details what happened in private real estate after the collapse of the Wall Street bank in 2008. Through the use of background images, personal quotes, and many well-designed charts, they manage to tell a detailed story that is educational and highly clickable. This is also the first time they experimented with links that drive traffic to their other websites – a win-win situation.

Effective Branding

This is a great report example for branding. It uses color to its advantage, but it also shows expert use of company branding. The PEI logo is prevalent from the start and continuous in the bottom corner throughout. The purple and green associated with this brand are built into every chart and visual asset, making them impossible to miss. When you view this report, you know exactly who built it, which is great for brand recognition and shareability.

Simplicity is Key

We can’t emphasize this point enough when it comes to building reports that feature crucial stats: simplicity is paramount. This report highlights key takeaways from Infrastructure Investor’s Global Summit 2018 with major style. They understand the importance of showing just what they need, keeping the charts and maps to two per page. They use text formatting to showcase specific numbers that maintain a beautifully professional feel from beginning to end.

Photo Connection

People connect with photographs quickly, grounding your report in their reality. This is a very useful visual tool when displaying critical information. This report sprinkles in large, high-quality images that break up the PERE branded charts and maps. The city skylines and busy streets give the report weight and importance, complete with a sleek design experience.

Anyone can create amazing reports like these with Infogram. We offer pre-designed templates, easy interactivity, convenient embed codes, and detailed engagement analytics so you can see what really resonates with your audience. Get inspired by other report examples and create your own! Click to learn more about Infogram for teams.

Make a report

PEI is a specialist information group focusing on alternative asset classes. These have become essential components of many investors’ allocation strategies globally and they major in private equity, real estate, private debt, and infrastructure, while also engaging with emerging new asset classes.