International Sign Language Day Infographic

27.09.2024 by Anete Ezera

The International Sign Language Day, celebrated annually on September 23rd, is a crucial platform to highlight the significance of sign languages in fostering inclusion and equality for the deaf community worldwide. The ability to express oneself freely and understand others is a fundamental human right. Ultimately, sign languages play a vital role in ensuring that this right is accessible to all.

By promoting sign languages, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully and meaningfully. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of the International Sign Language Day. We’ll also explore key data and information related to sign language use and highlight insights from the International Sign Language Day infographic, made with Infogram.

Deaf young people talking in sign language in the living room

Sign languages: A unique linguistic system

Sign languages are fully developed natural languages, distinct from spoken languages. They have their own grammar, vocabulary, and syntax, and are used by Deaf communities as their primary means of communication. Sign languages are not merely a visual representation of spoken languages. They’re unique linguistic systems with their own cultural and historical contexts.

A brief history of the International Sign Language Day

The concept of the International Day of Sign Languages was initiated by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). WFD is a global organization representing approximately 70 million deaf people worldwide. Recognizing the vital role of sign languages in the lives of Deaf individuals and the importance of preserving their linguistic and cultural heritage, the WFD proposed the establishment of a dedicated day to commemorate the significance of these unique languages.

In 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming September 23rd as the International Day of Sign Languages. The choice of this date is symbolic, as it coincides with the anniversary of the WFD’s founding in 1951.

Deaf and hard hearing people speak in sign language outdoors.

Key objectives of the International Sign Language Day

The International Sign Language Day serves several key objectives. Let’s explore four of them:

Raising awareness

The day aims to increase public awareness about the existence, diversity, and importance of sign languages. It seeks to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes associated with the Deaf community and promote understanding and acceptance.

Promoting linguistic rights

The day advocates for the recognition and protection of the linguistic rights of Deaf individuals. It calls for governments and organizations to ensure that sign languages are valued and supported as equal to spoken languages.

Encouraging language access

The day emphasizes the importance of providing early access to sign language education and services. This is crucial for the development of Deaf children and for ensuring their full participation in society.

Preserving cultural heritage

Sign languages are deeply intertwined with Deaf cultures. The day celebrates the rich cultural diversity of Deaf communities and promotes the preservation of their unique traditions and heritage.

International Sign Language Day infographic

Do you know what is the most popular sign language in the world, spoken by approximately 20 million people? Find the answer to this question and explore other key information in the International Sign Language Day infographic.

Infogram: A powerful tool for visualizing sign language data & symbols

To create engaging and informative infographics like the one accompanying this article, you can leverage the capabilities of Infogram. It’s a versatile data visualization tool that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of charts. It also offers customization options and even AI-powered features, making it ideal for creating visually appealing and educational content effortlessly.

Key features of Infogram that make it suitable for sign language infographics

AI-powered features: Whether it’s an educational infographic or an insightful chart, you can use Infogram’s AI-powered infographic maker and chart suggestion feature to create your visualizations quickly and effortleslly. Infogram offers an AI chart suggestion feature that helps you in choosing the right chart type for your data. What’s more, Infogram’s AI infographic maker helps improve your workflow and inspire with helpful ideas.

Interactivity features: Infogram’s interactive features allow you to create dynamic and engaging visualizations that go beyond static images. Easily add interactive elements like clickable links, pop-ups, and animations to enhance user engagement and provide additional context.

Pre-designed templates: Infogram provides a library of ready-made templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs. These templates can help you create visually appealing and professional-looking infographics quickly.

Customization options: You can customize the appearance of your infographics and charts by choosing from a variety of fonts, colors, and themes. Plus, you can add interactive elements, such as animations and hyperlinks, to make your infographics more engaging.

By using Infogram, you can create visually stunning and informative infographics. With infographics, you can effectively communicate the importance of many impactful and noteworthy events.

International Sign Language Day: Final thoughts

The International Day of Sign Languages is a powerful reminder of the importance of linguistic diversity and the rights of Deaf individuals. By celebrating sign languages and promoting their recognition and acceptance, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.