World Population Day infographic: Highlighting key population data

09.07.2024 by Anete Ezera

The world’s population is currently estimated to be over 8.1 billion people. This steadily growing number brings both opportunities and challenges to our global population. Every year on July 11th, World Population Day serves as a critical reminder to focus on these issues and explore solutions for a sustainable future.

World Population Day 2024

World Population Day 2023 theme examined the critical role of gender equality in addressing population challenges: “Unleashing the Power of Gender Equality: Uplifting the Voices of Women and Girls to Unlock Our World’s Infinite Possibilities.”  It highlighted the importance of women’s right to education, healthcare, and bodily autonomy, leading to a more stable and sustainable population growth rate. 

Now, World Population Day 2024 centers around the crucial concept of “counting the uncounted.” It highlights the significant issue of marginalized communities being underrepresented in official population data. This lack of visibility has profound consequences for these groups and hinders global progress towards sustainable development.

World Population Day infographic

World population is still steadily growing while the annual growth rate has slowed down since the 1960s. Despite the declining growth rate, population density, specifically in cities like Beijing, Tokyo, and New York, poses significant challenges to living standards and resource allocation.

In the following infographic, explore fundamental data that’s available to the public about our world population and discover the most populous countries. Also, learn about this year’s World Population Day theme and reasoning behind it.

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Counting the uncounted

This year, World Population Day tackles the critical issue of data exclusion. Here’s a deeper dive into what “counting the uncounted” means.

Who are the uncounted?

These are individuals and communities who, for various reasons, are not captured in official population surveys and censuses. This can include:

  • Remote populations: People living in geographically isolated areas might be missed by traditional data collection methods.
  • Marginalized groups: Refugees, ethnic minorities, indigenous communities, and the homeless are often overlooked due to their social or legal status.
  • Vulnerable populations: People experiencing homelessness, those living in conflict zones, or those who are discriminated against may be hesitant to participate in data collection.

Why is counting everyone important?

Invisibility in data translates to invisibility in policy and resource allocation. Here’s how it impacts individuals and societies:

  • Limited access to services: When populations are not accurately represented, it’s difficult to assess their needs for healthcare, education, and social services. This leads to inadequate resource allocation and increased disparity.
  • Undermining human rights: Not being counted can make it harder for individuals to access basic rights and benefits like citizenship or voting rights.
  • Decreases progress towards sustainable development: Accurate population data is crucial for planning and implementing effective strategies for issues like poverty reduction, environmental sustainability, and food security.

World Population Day 2024 emphasizes the need to bridge this data gap. By investing in more inclusive data collection methods, reaching out to marginalized communities, and ensuring their voices are heard.

World Population Day: Shining a light

World Population Day is a chance to raise awareness about these pressing matters. Here’s how the day sheds light on them:

  1. Themed events

The United Nations (UN) designates a specific theme each year. For 2024, the focus is on “Counting the Uncounted”.

  1. Educational programs

Organizations like Population Connection host events and discussions to educate the public about population trends and their implications.

  1. Policy advocacy

World Population Day is a platform to call for action from policymakers to address population challenges through sustainable development strategies.

Beyond World Population Day

World Population Day ignites difficult yet highly important conversations, but it’s important to maintain the momentum beyond July 11th. By learning about and sharing key data, it’s possible to keep the conversation going, making sure we’re moving forward with addressing arising challenges and implementing solutions.