Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023: Empowering information literacy

24.10.2023 by Anete Ezera

Information literacy, critical thinking, adaptability, and effective communication are all highly important skills in today’s technological landscape. With more digital information and media being produced every day, information literacy has evolved to be one of the most crucial skills to have. It empowers you to critically assess, navigate, and effectively use the vast amount of data available. Each year, Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week serves as a reminder of the importance of this skill and its role in promoting a responsible and well-informed society. This year, as we observe Global MIL Week, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the concept of information literacy, the common challenges it poses, and how Infogram can help you start to address some of these challenges.

Diversity in work team using internet on phones and digital tablet for teamwork growth in the office. Professional staff work with 5g technology to match work schedule online the company website

Information literacy definition

So what is information literacy and why is it important? Information literacy can be defined as the ability to find, evaluate, and use information effectively. It combines the use of critical thinking, digital skills, and ethical considerations. In today’s digital age, the importance of information literacy cannot be overstated. With the internet serving as a primary source of information, the ability to recognize credible sources from misleading or false ones is crucial not only for making well-informed decisions but also for fostering a society where misinformation is less likely to thrive. Ultimately, information literacy empowers individuals to be analytical, ethical, and active participants in the digital sphere.

Global Media and Information Literacy Week

Global MIL Week, which is celebrated annually in late October, is a UNESCO-driven initiative that highlights the importance of media and information literacy in building informed and empowered societies. This event aims to promote the importance of MIL in fostering global citizenship and encouraging people to become critical thinkers and responsible consumers of information.

This year’s focus of Global MIL Weeks is “Media and Information Literacy in Digital Spaces”, which highlights the critical need to adapt and improve media and information literacy (MIL) skills to address the unique challenges presented by the digital age. MIL is no longer limited to traditional media but extends to the complex web of digital spaces.

The digital landscape has fundamentally transformed the way we access, consume, and share information. With online content, social media, and digital communication channels, people face an overwhelming amount of data, often characterized by misinformation and disinformation. This year’s focus on MIL in digital spaces underscores the importance of equipping people with the skills necessary to navigate this new landscape.

Common challenges in information literacy

Despite the significance of information literacy, there are common challenges that individuals, institutions, and societies face in achieving it. Some of these challenges include:

Information overload: The internet has democratized information, but it has also led to information overload. Sorting through vast amounts of data can be overwhelming and make it difficult for individuals to find reliable sources.

Misinformation and disinformation: The spread of fake news and misleading information poses a significant challenge. Recognizing credible sources from misleading ones has become increasingly complicated.

Digital divide: Not everyone has equal access to information or digital tools. Differences in money and opportunities can make it hard for people to learn how to use information effectively.

Rapid technological advancements: Technology is constantly evolving. Keeping up with the latest digital tools and platforms can be a challenge for individuals, especially older generations.

Solutions for overcoming information literacy challenges

Here are several strategies for overcoming the challenges listed above:

Digital literacy education: Promoting digital literacy through formal education and training programs can help people of all ages learn the necessary information literacy skills. This includes understanding how to search for, critically evaluate, and use information from online sources.

Media literacy initiatives: Implementing media literacy initiatives in schools and communities can enhance individuals’ ability to distinguish between credible and misleading information. These programs can teach critical thinking and fact-checking skills.

Fact-checking and verification tools: The development and promotion of fact-checking tools and platforms can help to identify reliable sources. These tools can be integrated into web browsers and social media platforms to help users make more informed decisions about the information they encounter.

Community engagement: Communities and institutions should work together to promote information literacy. Libraries, schools, and community centers can serve as hubs for information literacy education and resources, making it accessible to a broader population.

By addressing the challenges through a combination of educational initiatives, community engagement, and technological support, it’s possible to overcome the obstacles and develop strong information literacy skills.

Four friends are using smart phones while they are sitting in a public park in the city. Detail of the hands holding the mobile phones.

Empowering information literacy with Infogram

Infogram, a powerful data visualization tool, is a valuable resource for improving information literacy. Here’s how it can help address some of the common challenges:

Visual storytelling: Infogram allows users to create visually engaging content. In a world where information is often presented visually, this helps individuals understand complex data and communicate their ideas effectively.

Accessible learning: Infogram’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to individuals of all ages and tech-savviness levels. It helps bridge the digital divide by offering a tool that is easy to use and understand.

Adaptability: Infogram adapts to technological changes, ensuring users have access to the latest data visualization capabilities. It empowers you to keep up with evolving digital tools and platforms.

Embracing information literacy

As we celebrate this year’s Global MIL Week, it’s an ideal moment to reflect on the importance of information literacy in today’s digital age. The challenges of information overload, misinformation, the digital divide, and rapid technological advancements underscore the need for such skills. Here, Infogram can play a crucial role in promoting information literacy by encouraging critical thinking, enabling visual storytelling, and fostering accessible learning.

By embracing information literacy and using tools like Infogram, you can navigate the digital age more effectively, ensuring that you’re an informed, responsible, and empowered consumer and creator of information. Global MIL Week serves as a reminder that in today’s information abundance, information literacy is a cornerstone of a well-informed and connected world.