Your essential guide to interactive electoral maps

10.04.2024 by Anete Ezera

In the intricate landscape of politics, electoral maps serve as the guiding compass, reflecting the public’s voices. As we gear up for the upcoming US presidential elections, understanding the significance of electoral maps is crucial. These maps not only delineate geographic boundaries but also offer profound insights into the distribution of political power, demographic trends, and voting patterns. But what exactly are electoral maps, why are they crucial, and how can we create them effectively?

Whether you’re a data journalist, an educator, or simply want to gain a deeper understanding of maps and learn how to make your own electoral map, you’ll find this article a valuable read. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and explore the complexities of electoral maps, highlighting their significance and exploring the best practices for creating them.

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What is an electoral map?

An electoral map is a visual representation of election results, showcasing how votes are distributed across geographic regions. The map contains color-coded regions based on which candidate or party received the majority of votes, providing a clear snapshot of the political landscape. These maps come in various forms, from simple static representations to dynamic, interactive electoral maps that allow users to delve deeper into the data.

Why are electoral maps useful?

Electoral maps offer impactful information in an easily understandable manner. Furthermore, they’re essential tools for several reasons. Let’s explore some of them!

Insight into voter behavior

By examining how votes are distributed geographically, electoral maps offer valuable insights into voter demographics, preferences, and trends. They help political analysts understand the dynamics at play and predict future electoral outcomes.

Transparency and accountability

Electoral maps promote transparency in the electoral process by visually presenting the distribution of votes. They hold policymakers and elected officials accountable by providing a clear picture of the electorate’s will.

Engagement and education

Through visual appeal and accessibility, map of electoral votes engage the public in the electoral process. These maps serve as educational tools, helping citizens understand the complexities of elections and fostering informed decision-making.

Strategic planning

For political campaigns, electoral maps are indispensable tools for developing strategic plans. They assist in identifying key battlegrounds, targeting swing voters, and allocating resources effectively.

Creating electoral maps with Infogram

Without a doubt, electoral maps are a key component in communicating election data. If you want to make your own electoral map, you need to seek out a data visualization tool that’s easy to use and offers a wide range of customizable maps that allow you to craft effective and eye-catching visualizations. Infogram, a popular data visualization tool, offers an intuitive platform for you to create an interactive electoral map online that truly captivates your audience. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Select a template: Infogram offers pre-designed templates and a wide range of customizable maps, making the creation process effortless. In fact, you can discover 800+ map types on Infogram and choose the one you need with ease. 

  1. Upload data: Once you’ve chosen a template or started your project from scratch, import your election data into Infogram’s platform. This could include voting results by state, county, or precinct, along with relevant demographic information. You can discover the many data import options here.

  1. Customize your map: Infogram allows for extensive customization, enabling users to adjust colors, fonts, and styles to match their branding or preferences. Highlight key regions or add annotations to provide context to the data when creating a custom electoral map. You can even create a brand kit, where you can specify and save your brand’s colors, fonts, logo, and more, making your creation process even smoother. 

  1. Add interactivity: One of Infogram’s standout features is its interactive capabilities. Elevate your electoral map by incorporating interactive elements such as tooltips, filters, and animations. This allows users to explore the data dynamically and gain deeper insights.

  1. Publish and share: Once your electoral map is complete, download it or embed it directly into your website. You can also share it across social media channels to reach a wider audience and spark engagement. 

Best practices for creating electoral maps

When creating a map of electoral votes, you want to make sure your visuals are clear and engaging to capture your audience’s attention. To ensure your interactive electoral map is effectively visualized and impactful, keep the following best practices in mind.

From above photo of an anonymous African-American woman analyzing business graph on a laptop computer while sitting at restaurant desk with notebook, pen and eyeglasses.


Accuracy is crucial when creating electoral maps. It’s essential to use reliable and up-to-date data sources, such as official election results from government agencies or reputable organizations. Proper visualization techniques, such as proportional symbol maps or choropleth maps, should be employed to accurately represent the distribution of votes or seats. Additionally, any projections or predictions should be clearly labeled as such to avoid confusion between actual results and estimations.


A clear and easily understandable map design is key for an effective communication of electoral data. To achieve clarity, it’s important to avoid clutter and unnecessary visual elements that may distract or confuse viewers. Choose a color scheme that clearly distinguishes between different parties or candidates, and ensure that the legend is concise and easy to follow. Labels for geographic regions should be clear and readable, without overlapping or crowding.


Providing context helps your audience to interpret the electoral map and understand its significance within a broader context. Including additional information such as voter turnout, demographic breakdowns, or historical trends can provide valuable insights into the electoral landscape. Contextual information can help viewers understand factors influencing election outcomes and identify patterns or trends over time.


Making electoral maps accessible to all users is vital for ensuring inclusivity and reaching a wider audience. Incorporating features such as alternative text (alt text) for images allows visually impaired users to access the content through screen readers. Additionally, providing keyboard navigation options ensures that users who cannot use a mouse can still interact with the map. It’s also important to consider colorblindness and ensure that the color scheme used in the map is distinguishable for users with color vision deficiencies.


While your map can be informative, it also needs to be engaging to really capture your viewer’s attention. Using interactive features can significantly improve engagement with electoral maps and encourage deeper exploration of the data. Interactive elements such as tooltips, clickable regions, or filters allow your viewers to interact with the map and explore specific areas or datasets in more detail. Encouraging feedback and discussion around the electoral map, such as through social media channels or interactive comment sections, can foster a sense of community engagement and promote a better understanding of the electoral data among users. 

Examples of interactive electoral maps

While a map of electoral results will play a key role in the upcoming US presidential elections in 2024, electoral maps aren’t just for election night coverage. Interactive maps are being used in many other ways to inform citizens and shape political discourse. Here are some compelling examples:

Understanding the local landscape

News outlets are using interactive maps to break down election results by precinct or municipality. This allows viewers to see how their local area voted and compare it to statewide trends. This fosters a more nuanced understanding of the electorate and potential local factors influencing outcomes.

Engaging voters

Political campaigns are leveraging interactive electoral maps to target outreach efforts. By identifying areas with high concentrations of undecided voters or those with specific demographics, campaigns can tailor their messaging and mobilize supporters more effectively.

Analyzing historical trends

Interactive maps can be a powerful tool for political analysts. By overlaying results from past elections on the same map, they can identify shifts in voting patterns over time and analyze the impact of demographic changes or political events.

These are just a few examples of how interactive electoral maps are changing the way we understand and engage with elections. By using the power of interactivity, we can create visualizations that are not only informative but also have a real impact on our political landscape.

Electoral maps: Final considerations

When it comes to politics and elections, data is king. By visualizing data in a precise, informative, and interactive manner, you can spot trends, engage the public, and make a meaningful impact.

Electoral maps are essential tools for understanding elections. They promote transparency and are great for engaging the public. With Infogram’s intuitive platform and interactive capabilities, creating compelling electoral maps has never been easier. By following best practices and data visualization tips, you can unlock the potential of electoral maps and empower informed decision-making in the upcoming US presidential elections and beyond. Discover how Infogram can help you design visually engaging and interactive maps, and start creating today!