03.07.2018 by Anete Ezera
Numbers on a spreadsheet don’t have the power to entice and interact with people the way moving stories do. We gravitate towards interactive content that responds to our gestures and indulges our curiosity. That’s why Infogram has introduced three new powerful features designed to help you build unforgettable stories.
Object Animations
Take your stories to the next level with object animations. Now you can have objects appear however you’d like as viewers scroll through your infographics, dashboards, and reports. You can set your animations to zoom, fade, bounce, flip, and slide effortlessly into your work – grabbing your viewer’s attention and keeping them engaged.
Scroll-Activated Chart Animations
Infogram has always had subtle animations that appear when charts load on a page. But now, charts can load one by one with the viewer as they scroll through your work – leaving them pleasantly surprised by the movement, excited to click and explore further.
Interactivity Hints
There’s no point in spending time building a beautiful interactive project if nobody knows they can interact with it. We’ve added slick interactivity hints that you can turn on, alerting your viewer to layers of additional helpful material. Nobody will miss your links, tooltips, zoomable maps, legends, or tabs every again.
Learn more about the opportunities to create interactive content to stand out from the crowd with Infogram.
Add engaging, clickable content to your website, blog, or business pages. We know you have an amazing story to tell – now you have the tools you need to get it done. Sign up or log in to Infogram to build your own moving data stories. For full details visit our support page.
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