20+ beautiful color gradient examples to elevate your visuals

17.03.2023 by Anete Ezera

Color gradients are a popular design technique that involves blending two or more colors seamlessly. By smoothly transitioning from one color to another, gradients can create a sense of depth, dimensionality, and visual interest in any design project. Whether you want to elevate the design of your infographic or make your social media post more dynamic, gradients can help you make stunning visuals that stand out from the crowd. To help you get inspired and create eye-catching visuals, in this blog post, we’ll explore what color gradients are, when to use them, and why you should consider incorporating them into your designs.

Click to jump ahead:
What are color gradients?
Why should you use color gradients?
When to use color gradients?
Beautiful color gradient examples
Background color gradient examples
Enhance your projects with color gradients

What are color gradients?

A color gradient is a visual effect that creates a gradual blend of two or more colors. This effect is achieved by dividing the space between two colors into a series of small steps and then filling each step with a slightly different hue. By blending these hues together, you can create a smooth transition between colors.

Why should you use color gradients?

Gradients can be a great addition to your illustrations as they can help you create visually appealing designs. Here are some reasons why you should consider using them:

  1. Visual interest: Color gradients can add visual interest to your designs, making them more appealing and engaging to users.
  1. Sense of depth: By blending colors together, gradients can create a sense of depth and dimensionality in your designs, making them more immersive and realistic.
  1. Branding: Color gradients can create unique and memorable branding elements, such as logos, icons, or backgrounds.
  1. Helps with accessibility: Color gradients can make the designs more accessible to users with color vision deficiencies. By using a range of colors in a gradient, designers can ensure that text and other important elements stand out from the background.

When to use color gradients?

Color gradients are great for a variety of design contexts. Here are some examples of when to use them:

  1. Backgrounds: Color gradients can create visually stunning backgrounds for reports, infographics, social media posts, and other materials. Gradient backgrounds can make your design stand out and create a sense of depth and dimensionality.
  1. Logos and shapes: Color gradients can be used in logos and shapes to create a dynamic look that helps you stand out from the crowd.
  1. Illustrations: Gradients can be used to create depth in illustrations and add texture to digital paintings or drawings.

Beautiful color gradient examples

Gradients are great for attracting more attention to your visuals while giving them an artistic and sophisticated feel. Whether you’re creating a presentation, dashboard, or another type of project, you can make your illustrations stand out by incorporating a 2-color gradient. If you’re looking for great color combinations for a shape or background, take inspiration from a few examples listed below. 

#6D53DC – #DB8282

#539566 – #72A5C2

#E54D24 – #DDB249

#8D60BE – #F2D49E

#A446A4 – #83A5BE

#6D53DC – #DC5356

#04616E – #B7D7C9 

#181D72 – #B491C5

#D9B967 – #8EC3A7

#F08686 – #9CC495

#292424 – #AA8DCB

Background color gradient examples 

Gradients can be a dynamic addition to your project, especially if you use them as backgrounds for text, data visualizations, and other elements. Here are a few shape and background color gradient examples you can get inspiration from to create your own. 

Tip: When using shape or background color gradients, make sure to keep readability in mind. Due to the blending of two colors in the background, you have to ensure that the text and visuals on top remain fully visible and easy to understand. 

#AB91C5 – #DC5356

#A3D7B8 – #E37B7F

#F0CB69 – #DC5356

#6D53DC – #84AEC2

#E54D24 – #F0CB69

#7940A1 – #C896AF

#7CDB78 – #E5E5E5

#FAE245 – FADBA6

#1F0270 – #53A2DC

#B50E0E – #FA6669

Enhance your projects with color gradients

Color gradients are a versatile and powerful design technique that can enhance any project. Using them in your designs can add visual interest, create a sense of depth, and enhance your branding. To create your own 2-color gradient, simply click on the background of your project or a shape, then click on the color box and select “linear gradient” from the drop-down menu. From thereon, you can copy and paste the color codes from the examples we listed in the article or simply choose the colors you’d like to display from the color picker. Now go to the editor and try it out for yourself! 

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