AI for charts: Get AI-powered suggestions for the best chart type

03.06.2024 by Anete Ezera

Ever had a dataset that you needed to visualize but were unsure of how to begin or which chart type would best represent it? This is a common struggle for many. While it’s great to have a wide range of chart types to choose from, this variety can also pose a challenge to anyone who doesn’t have the time, experience, or resources, to select the right chart for their data.

To solve this problem, we’re introducing a new AI-powered feature that’ll analyze your data and suggest custom-made chart options for your specific data needs. This innovative AI chart suggestion feature ensures you always have the perfect chart type at your fingertips, maximizing the clarity and impact of your data insights. Now let’s explore what’s possible with Infogram’s AI for charts! 

usiness report in laptop

How AI chart suggestions can help you

In many cases, people rely on their own understanding of data visualization best practices when visualizing data, which can be limited for those without extensive experience. This can lead to suboptimal chart choices, ultimately compromising on the clarity and effectiveness of the message the data is meant to convey. That’s where the AI-powered chart suggestions steps in to offer personalized options based on your data. Here’s how this innovative tool empowers you:

Personalized chart selection

With the AI chart suggester, you can finally ditch the guesswork. Simply upload your data, and the AI will instantly recommend the best chart types, eliminating the time-consuming search. Whether you’re wondering when to use a pie chart or when to use a bar chart, the AI analyzes your data structure and chooses the chart type that will most effectively communicate your message.

Unlock data insights securely

For users and companies concerned about data security, our AI-powered chart suggestion feature offers peace of mind. We use an advanced sampling technique, analyzing only a small subset of your uploaded data to generate chart recommendations. This ensures the vast majority of your information remains private, while the AI still provides valuable insights to make your data visualization process more efficient.

Discover hidden gems

There’s no need to settle for “good enough” charts. The AI chart suggester analyzes your data and displays various compatible chart types. This lets you choose the visualization that truly makes your data pop. Perhaps a spider chart reveals hidden correlations your initial bar chart choice might have missed. The AI empowers you to explore different visualization options and select the one that best unlocks the story within your data.

Showcase textual data 

Do you have data with text elements? No problem! The AI for charts recognizes the need for separate visualizations and suggests options like word clouds, ensuring all your data gets the spotlight it deserves. Text data often gets lost in traditional charts. That’s why the AI suggests alternative visualizations specifically designed to showcase textual information, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your data set.

Focus on insights

With the AI chart suggester, there’s no need to grapple with properly displaying your data within a chart. Instead, you can focus on what truly matters – extracting valuable insights from your data. The AI chart suggester streamlines the process, allowing you to spend more time crafting a compelling data story. With the technical aspects handled by the AI, you can dedicate your energy to interpreting your data, identifying trends, and crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience.

Take a look at the AI chart suggester feature in action:

Learn more about the feature and how to use it to your advantage in a dedicated support article.

Infogram’s AI-powered tools

In addition to the Infogram’s AI chart suggester, Infogram offers a suite of other AI-powered features to streamline your data visualization creation process:

AI infographic generator

Infogram’s AI infographic generator can take your text content and transform it into a visually appealing infographic in seconds. This is a great way to get started on your infographic or to overcome creative block.

AI text-editing feature

Crafting clear text is essential for impactful data visualizations. Our AI editing tool tackles this challenge by summarizing lengthy paragraphs, expanding underdeveloped ideas, and converting text to bullet points for better readability. This AI-powered assistance streamlines your workflow, ensuring your visualizations effectively communicate your message.

Learn more about how to create with Infogram’s AI flow and edit text with AI

Get insights from your data – let AI do the work

At Infogram, we believe creating charts should be an easy process, helping you quickly and effectively visualize your data. Now by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Infogram’s AI for creating charts empowers our users to make informed decisions about chart selection. Here’s how the AI chart suggester works:

  • Start with a blank page or a template.
  • Go to the toolbar on the left and click on the ‘Add chart’ icon.
  • Click on the option to suggest charts (this will open a pop-up window).
  • Upload or paste your data in the prompt field.
  • Describe your data for improved suggestions (optional).
  • The AI will suggest the most appropriate chart formats already populated by your data.
  • Choose the chart that best aligns with your visualization goals and click ‘Insert’.
  • Modify the chart if needed and share it with others! 

For a deep dive on choosing the right chart, read our article on best practices. 

Beyond suggestions: A guide for effective storytelling

The AI for creating charts goes beyond mere suggestion. It also acts as a valuable guide, creating a deeper understanding of data visualization principles. As you’ll explore various chart options, the AI provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each format, ensuring you make smart data-driven choices that effectively tell your story.

The AI for making charts considers the context of your data, recommending charts that go beyond basic functionality to truly illuminate patterns and guide viewers’ attention. It might even suggest interactive visualizations like race bar charts, encouraging deeper engagement and a richer understanding of your message. Ultimately, Infogram’s AI chart suggestions will help you choose the perfect chart to tell your story with clarity, impact, and meaning.

Unlocking the potential of data

With the introduction of AI chart suggestions feature, we’re taking a noteworthy step forward towards democratizing data visualization. By simplifying chart selection and offering valuable guidance, this feature will empower users of all experience levels to unlock the full potential of their data, transforming it into clear, compelling narratives.

If you’re not sure when to use a pie chart or a bar chart, or simply want to explore other data visualization options, Infogram’s AI for creating charts is your go-to tool for choosing the right option. Just get your data ready and try it out!